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Dr Guzu Publications



  • Guzu M, Boutoille F. Paradigme de prise en charge de gingivostomatites chroniques félines. Le Point Vétérinaire, jan 2023. Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Gestion alternative et adjuvante des gingivostomatitis chroniques felines. Le Point Vétérinaire, jan 2023. Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Druet I, Guzu M. Pathology of the oral cavity and salivary glands in dogs and cats. In: Multiple contributors. Lecoindre P. Gastroentérologie des carnivores domestiques (2023). Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Chamel G, Guzu M. Oral tumors in dogs and cats. In: Multiple contributors. Lecoindre P. Gastroentérologie des carnivores domestiques (2023). Audience : Veterinarians (French)


  • Guzu M, Rossetti D, Hennet PR. Locoregional Flap Reconstruction Following Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery in Dogs and Cats: A Review and Decisional Algorithm. Front Vet Sci · May 21st 2021 Audience : Veterinarians (English)
  • Guzu M. Immunopathogénèse de la stomatite ulcéreuse canine. AbstractVet, March 2021. Audience : Veterinarians (French)


  • Guzu M, Rosati M, Gaillot H, Nicolier A, Hennet PR. Bilateral fibrodysplasia ossificans affecting the masticatory muscles and causing irreversible trismus in a domestic shorthair cat. Journal of Feline Medecine and Surgery Open Reports · April 4th. 2019 Audience : Veterinarians (English)


  • Guzu M. Actualités thérapeutiques concernant les gingivostomatites chroniques félines. La dépêche technique vétérinaire · Sept 1st 2018 Audience : Veterinarians (French)


  • Guzu M, Hennet PR. Mandibular Body Fracture Repair with Wire-reinforced Interdental Composite Splint in Small Dogs. Vet Surg. 2017 Nov;46(8):1068-1077. doi: 10.1111/vsu.12691. Epub 2017 Jul 31. Audience : Veterinarians (English)
  • Guzu M, Bernardé A, Chotar-Vasseur Y. Therapeutic Management of Sialocoeles in Dogs and Cats. Le Point Vétérinaire (2017) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Lecomte E, Guzu M, Hennet PR. Dental-related mandibular osteomyelitis in a cat : surgical management. L’essentiel (2017) Audience : Veterinarians (French)


  • Guzu M. Free vascularized osteomyocutaneous iliac flap transposition to the carotid artery and jugular vein in 10 rats: perspectives in the dog and cat with maxillofacial critical size gap reconstruction. Microsurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Paris VI, France, 2015. Audience : Surgeons (French)

In press:

  • Guzu M, Hanot C. Diagnosis and therapeutic management of oromaxillofacial tumors in small animals. In : Sayag et al, Oncologie des Carnivores domestiques, Ed. MedCom (2024).Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M, Hanot C. Soft tissue tumors of the oral cavity. In : Sayag et al, Oncologie des Carnivores domestiques, Ed. MedCom (2024). Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M, Hanot C. Odontogenic and hard tissue tumors of the oral cavity. In : Sayag et al, Oncologie des Carnivores domestiques, Ed. MedCom (2024). Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M, Hanot C. Tumors of the oropharyngeal cavity. In : Sayag et al, Oncologie des Carnivores domestiques, Ed. MedCom (2024). Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M, Hanot C. Salivary tumors. In : Sayag et al, Oncologie des Carnivores domestiques, Ed. MedCom (2024). Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Gestion des fentes palatines. Abstract Vet (2024). Audience: Veterinarians (French)



  • Guzu M. Advanced Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery. Improve International. (1 day, Nantes, France, 2024)Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Endodontic therapy in carnivores. Course & wetlab. GEROS group - AFVAC (1 day, Nantes, France, 2024) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Basic and advanced Parodontology in carnivores. Course & wetlab. GEROS group - AFVAC (3 days, Nantes, France, 2024) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Basics & Ethics in Orthodontics in carnivores. RSVD (45 min, Bucharest, Romania, 2024) Audience : Veterinarians (Romanian)
  • Guzu M. Introduction in maxillofacial traumatology in carnivores. RSVD (45 min, Bucharest, Romania, 2024)Audience : Veterinarians (Romanian)
  • Guzu M. Maxillofacial traumatology. RSVD (2h Course & 6h wetlab, Bucharest, Romania, 2024) Audience : Veterinarians (Romanian)
  • Guzu M. Prevention of periodontal diseases in dogs and cats. Wizzvet. (30 min) Audience : Nurses (French)
  • Guzu M. Oral diseases in cats. Wizzvet. (30 min)Audience : Nurses (French)


  • Guzu M. Advanced Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery. Improve International. (1 day, Nantes, France, 2023)Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Advanced Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery. RSVD congress. (1 day, Bucharest, Roamnia, 2023)Audience : Veterinarians (Romanian)
  • Guzu M. Management of periodontitis in cats. Wizzvet. (30 min) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Feline gingivostomatitis. Wizzvet. (30 min)Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Endodontics in dogs and cats. Wizzvet. (30 min)Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Diagnosis of maxillofacial traumas in cats. Wizzvet. (30 min) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Treatment of maxillofacial traumas in cats. Wizzvet. (30 min) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Diagnosis of maxillofacial tumors in cats. Wizzvet. (30 min) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Treatment of maxillofacial tumors in cats. Wizzvet. (30 min) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Oral examination in dogs and cats. Wizzvet. (30 min) Audience : Veterinarians (French)


  • Guzu M. Reconstruction techniques in oromaxillofacial oncologic surgery. British Veterinary Dentistry Association, Webinar, 2022. Audience : Veterinarians (English)
  • Guzu M. Advanced Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery. Improve International. (1 day, Nantes, France, 2022)Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Endodontic therapy in carnivores. Course & wetlab. GEROS group - AFVAC (1 day, Nantes, France, 2022) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Deboschere Y, Guzu M. Oromaxillofacial Piezoelectric Surgery. AFVAC National Congress (Marseille, France, 2022) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Girard N, Guzu M. Dental X-ray interpretation. AFVAC National Congress (2 hours, Marseille, France, 2022)Audience : Veterinarians (French)


  • Gault S, Guzu M. Dental radiology in oral conditions, 2 hours, AFVAC Veterinary National Congress, Bordeaux, 2019. Audience : Veterinarians (French)


  • Guzu M, Hennet PR. Mandibular Body Fracture Repair with Wire-reinforced Interdental Composite Splint in Small Dogs. VDF, Phoenix, AZ, USA, November 16th 2018 Audience : Veterinarians (English)
  • Guzu M, Hennet PR. Bilateral Fibrodysplasia Ossificans of the Masticatory Muscles Causing Irreversible Trismus in a Cat. AVDF, Phoenix, AZ, USA, November 16th 2018 Audience : Veterinarians (English)


  • Guzu M, Bernardé A, Chotar-Vasseur Y. Therapeutic Management of Sialocoeles in Dogs and Cats. Le Point Vétérinaire (2017) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. The Use of Locoregional Anaestesia in Dogs and Cats for Oral Procedures. AFVAC National Congress (Nantes, France, 2017) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Modern Dental Scaling and Root Planning Techniques. AFVAC National Congress (Nantes, France, 2017) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Guzu M. Oral Semiology in Cats. AFVAC National Congress (Nantes, France, 2017) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
  • Boutoille F, Guzu M. The Use of Rotatory Instruments in Veterinary Dentistry (wet lab). AFVAC National Congress (Nantes, France, 2017) Audience : Veterinarians (French)
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